SAP Program CVI_MIGRATE_VEND_LINKS - Convert Assignment Table for Link Between Business Partner + Vendor

As of Release SAP ECC 6.0 there is a new assignment tableCVI_VEND_LINK Assignment Between Vendor and Business Partner fornew links created between business partners and vendor master records.Assignment table BC001 Business Partner: Assignment Vendor - Partner
is still available for existing entries.
You can use this report to convert the assignment table BC001Business Partner: Assignment Vendor - Partner to the assignmenttable CVI_VEND_LINK Assignment Between Vendor and Business Partner
It is not absolutely necessary to convert the tables in this releasebecause the new access logic includes all tables. All new links createdbetween business partners and vendor master records are stored in thetable CVI_VEND_LINK Assignment Between Vendor and Business Partner
and all existing links are stored in the table BC001 BusinessPartner: Assignment Vendor - Partner.

You can empty assignment table BC001 Business Partner: AssignmentVendor - Partner using database tools once the report has runsuccessfully. Emptying this table can improve performance when creatingand reading new links.

Before you delete the contents of the table it is essential that youhave carried out the initial synchronization of the tax numbers usingthe report CVI_SYNCH_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS Initial Synchronization of TaxNumbers for Business Partner and Vendor.
For further technical information about data assignment, see SAP Note851444.
For general information about customer/vendor integration, see theSAP Library by choosing ERP Central Components ->Cross-Application Components-> Master Data Synchronization->Customer/Vendor Integration.
The report is supported by the framework Parallel Processing of MassData. For general information about the parallel processing of massdata, see the SAP Library by choosing ERP CentralComponents-> Cross-Application Components-> General ApplicationFunctions (CA-GTF)-> Parallel Processing of Mass Data (CA-GTS-TS-PPM)

You have executed the report CVI_SYNC_VEND_TAX_NUMBERS (InitialSynchronization of Tax Numbers for Business Partner and Vendor)before you execute this report. For further information about thereport, see the corresponding report documentation.

You can select a unique run ID and the package size. Youcan use the unique run ID to uniquely identify your jobs in theparallel processing tool for mass data. You can use the package size
to specify the number of business partners for each package.
Under Job Distribution you can further divide processes intoservers/server groups. This overrides the number of parallel jobs thatis set in the IMG activity Maintain JobDistribution.

Make the settings that you require for Job Distribution andexecute the report.

851445BP_CVI: Details about reports to be executed for ERP 2005
1004686Integration of customers/vendors in the SAP BP
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