SAP Program CVI_ANALYZE_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS - Analysis of Tax Numbers for Business Partner and Customer

As of Release SAP ECC 6.0 the tax numbers for the businesspartner and the customer are automatically synchronized as part ofcustomer/vendor integration.
If you are already using customer/vendor integration and have stored taxnumbers in the business partner and/or in the customer, then you shouldsynchronize the existing tax numbers for the business partner and/orcustomer before starting automatic customer/vendor integration. Thisensures that you have a consistent state for continuing to process theobject pair business partner/customer. You can use the reportCVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS (Initial Synchronization of Tax Numbersfor BP and Customer) to synchronize the tax numbers.
You can use this report to analyze the existing tax numbers for thebusiness partner and/or customer before you start the initialsynchronization and the automatic customer/vendor integration. Using theresults of the analysis, you can determine whether it is necessary tosynchronize the tax numbers and, if this is the case, which selectionparameters you need to set for the synchronization direction for theinitial synchronization using the report CVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS (
Initial Synchronization of Tax Numbers for BP and Customer).
The system issues the results of the analysis in a log.
The report is used in connection with the upgrade to Release SAP ECC6.0. It is relevant only for customers who already usecustomer/vendor integration and have stored tax numbers in the businesspartner or in the customer.

You need to execute this report to prepare for the initialsynchronization using the report CVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS InitialSynchronization of Tax Numbers for BP and Customer. For further i
nformation about this report, see the corresponding reportdocumentation.
Note that you have to execute this report before the reportCVI_MIGRATE_CUST_LINKS Convert Assignment Table for Link BetweenBusiness Partner + Customer if you also want to convert theassignment tables for the object pair business partner/customer. Formore information, see the corresponding report documentation. To analyzethe tax numbers and to carry out the initial synchronization, thecontents of the old assignment table BD0001 Business Partner:Assignment Customer - Partner must be available.
For general information about customer/vendor integration, see theSAP Library by choosing ERP Central Components ->Cross-Application Components-> Master Data Synchronization->Customer/Vendor Integration.
The report is supported by the framework Parallel Processing of MassData. For general information about the parallel processing of massdata, see the SAP Library by choosing ERP CentralComponents-> Cross-Application Components-> General ApplicationFunctions (CA-GTF)->Parallel Processing of Mass Data (CA-GTS-TS-PPM).


You can select a unique run ID and the package size. Youcan use the unique run ID to uniquely identify your jobs in theparallel processing tool for mass data. You can use the package size
to specify the number of business partners for each package.
Under Job Distribution you can further divide processes intoservers/server groups. This overrides the number of parallel jobs thatis set in the IMG activity Maintain JobDistribution.

The report writes the results to a log. You can analyze the resultsunder Application Log: Display Logs (transaction SLG1).

Make the settings that you require for Job Distribution andexecute the report.
Check that the job ran correctly under Call PPF Monitor(transaction BANK_PP_MONITOR). If an error occurred, you can start thereport again with the same unique run ID.
Once the job has run correctly, analyze the log for the analysis reportunder Application Log: Display Logs (transaction SLG1). Theobject to be analyzed is FS_PROT and the external identification is thesame as the unique run ID.
Use the results of the analysis to determine whether is necessary tocarry out an initial synchronization of the tax numbers using the reportCVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS Initial Synchronization of Tax Numbers forBP and Customer, and determine the synchronization direction for thesubsequent report.

The system displays any conflicts that necessitate an initialsynchronization of the tax numbers for the business partner and thecustomer in the log for the report. Determine the direction for theinitial synchronization. See also the documentation for the reportCVI_SYNC_CUST_TAX_NUMBERS Initial Synchronization of Tax Numbers forBP and Customer.

851445BP_CVI: Details about reports to be executed for ERP 2005
1105558BP_CVI: Migration report from Note 851445 terminates
923833BP_CVI: Performance problem with tax data conversion