SAP Program CRM_WEBREQ_LINKS_MIGRATE - Migrate Links for Web Requests to a New Link Type

This program allows you to migrate already productive Web request linksthat were created before Release CRM 5.1 or 5.2.

As of Release CRM 5.1, Web requests are no longer linked with the CRMtransaction using the link type WCM_LINK (this is the general link typefor CRM transaction attachments). The new link type WEBREQLINK is usedinstead.

You only need to run this migration program if you:

  • Already use Web requests live in earlier releases (CRM 4.0 or CRM 5.0)

  • Have upgraded from CRM 4.0 or CRM 5.0 to CRM 5.1. or CRM 5.2.
  • Features
    You can re-start the program at any time. You can run the program againeven if all links have already been migrated. In such cases, the systeminforms you that migration is already complete.
    Before the migration, the changed link type causes the system to nolonger find the Web request data linked to the CRM transaction. Thisproblem should be resolved after the migration.

    Test Run:
    Set this indicator only if you want to see how many records are to bemigrated. You do not have to specify a log file for a test run.
    Log File:
    Is mandatory for the production run. You can, for example, create a newfile in the folder specified under DIR_LOGGING in the transaction AL11.The log is stored there, which means that you can also run the programin the background. In transaction AL11, you can then view the log bydouble-clicking the DIR_LOGGING directory.

    The program outputs a log.