SAP Program CRM_UBB_REMINDER_SEND - Send Reading Reminders

This report uses the data that was defined in the usage volume documentduring action Reading Reminder to create an output, such as ane-mail or printout.


  • Action Reading Reminder has taken place.

  • No billing-relevant reading is available for the corresponding usage
  • volume document.
    • The Reading Reminder action has saved interim data in table
      • The technical prerequisites for the selected output medium have been
      • implemented with the appropriate Basis settings

        First choose the selection criteria you want to use. You can search forall the data of a business partner (Select by General Data), forexample, or select the data for a service contract (Select byContract Data).
        Run the report. The hit list appears.
        Activate the entries for which you want to generate the output and runthe report.
        The system generates the requested output.