SAP Program CRM_UBB_POOL_PREBILLING - Prebill Pool Contracts

You can use this report to prebillpool contracts (
single pool contracts andaggregate contracts) for acertain period. You can also use the Logs program mode to displaythe logs for completed prebilling runs.


Pool prebilling - selection parameters
You can use the Selection parameters in Pool prebilling todefine which pool contracts are prebilled. You can explicitly specifythe numbers for the pool contracts for selection. You can also avoidentering specific contract numbers and just specify the sold-to partiesfor whom you want to prebill pool contracts. Use the other parameters tofurther restrict the settings.
You can use the Billing document creation date selectionparameter to specify which period needs to be prebilled.

Pool prebilling - control parameters
You can use the control parameters to define whether prebillingis tested or actually performed. If you only want to test a prebillingrun, set the Test run indicator. The test run checks that none ofthe contracts (pool contract and the assigned contracts) are blocked andthat the pool prebilling requirement is met.
When performing comprehensive prebilling runs, we recommend that you runprocessing asynchronously. To do this, you must deactivate theProcess synchronously indicator. When the report runs insynchronous mode, it waits until a pool contract has been prebilledbefore starting on the next pool contract. In asynchronous mode,however, the system distributes the prebillings to several servers andprocesses them in parallel. You can use Logon/Server Group tospecify the server group that the system uses for the prebilling run.You can use Maximum Parallel Processing to define the maximumnumber of pool contracts the system can prebill in parallel at any giventime. If you do not specify a value, the system automatically proposesthe value "4".

You can use the parameters in the Logs area to define which logsfor completed prebilling runs the system displays. You can usetransactions SLG1 and SLG2 to display and delete application logs.

The system displays the result of the prebilling run in an applicationlog. Use the log and the information it contains for error analysis.