SAP Program CRM_UBB_BILP_POOL_SPLIT_ASYN - Asynchronous Period Change

This report changes the periodicity of pool-linked contracts. You canuse this report to change the periodicity of apool contract for allrelevant contracts that are linked with the pool contract (with thechanged periodicity). The report automatically selects the relevantcontracts of a pool contract. You can also use the Logs programmode to display the logs of period change runs that are alreadycomplete.
We highly recommend running this report in the background, not indialog.

Before you can start this report, you have to change the periodicity ofthe pool contract manually from a certain date. You do this with anaction in the pool contract. Otherwise the report will not be able toselect anything. If the report does not find any relevant contracts, itwrites a note to the log.
The system changes the periodicity of the pool contract immediately whenyou start the corresponding item at item level in the pool contract. Theperiodicity of all linked and relevant contracts is not changed untilyou run this report.

In the Program Mode section, you can choose whether you want tostart the period change now or display the logs of period changes thathave alraedy been performed. Choose the selection parameters in thePeriod Change or Logs area depending on your choice.

Period Change
Pool Contract Number: You can enter the pool contract number tochange the periods in the linked contracts.
Simulation: If you set this option, you can test the periodchange. The system does not chagne the contracts. During the test run,the system makes sure that all contracts are synchronized (and cantherefore be changed immediately) and are not blocked by any otherusers.

In the Logs area, you can specify the selection parameters fordisplaying the logs of program change runs that have already beenperformed.

When you start the report in Logs mode, an overview of the logsof the period changes for your selection is displayed, together withinformation on the program mode (production or test run), date, anduser.
You can double-click on a log line to display the log details. You willfind one line here for each processed contract.
If the report could not process the period change of a contract, this isindicated by a red traffic light next to the relevant contract. If atleast one error has occurred, the report also sets the pool contract tored. If the report was able to execute the period change for allassigned contracts, it sets the pool contract to green.

An error occurred during a period change run. If a temporary error isinvolved - for example, a single contract was blocked or insufficientsystem resources were available - restart the period change run. Thereport now only processes the missing contracts, and no longer usesthose already processed.
If the problem is not temporary, notify your system administrator andinform him or her of the steps you have taken so far.