SAP Program CRM_TERRMAN_IMP_II_TEMPLATE - Template For Importing Territory Assignment To Position

Template for Importing Assignments of Territories to Positions

You can use this report to import the assignments of territories topositions from another system.
Alternatively you can assign territories to positions manually in theIMG or in the SAP Easy Access Menu by choosing

  • Customer Relationship Management -> Master Data -> Territory
  • Management -> Maintain Territory Hierarchy
    • Customer Relationship Management -> Master Data -> Organizational
    • Management -> Organizational Model -> Change Organizational Model(in the SAP Easy Access Menu Master Data -> Organizational Model ->Maintain Organizational Model)
      Note: CRM_TERRMAN_IMP_II_TEMPLATE is a template report. Do not changeit. Instead, copy it to your own report and adapt your report accordingto your requirements.

      You need to:

      • Create employees as business partners in CRM Enterprise

      • Assign each relevant employee to a position in Organizational Management

      • Create the territories in Territory Management

      • Provide the assignments of positions to territories as files in ASCII
      • format

        The following example is defined in the IMG under Master Data ->Territory Management -> Define Territory Hierarchy Levels:
        Based on the example above, you import data using an ASCII file that hasthe following line structure:
        Second name,,First name,,Territory Hierarchy ID
        Hubbard,,Gerald,,A1B01C001D0000001 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, North,Boston)
        Miller,,Henry,,A1B01C001D0000002 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, North, NewYork)
        Smith,,Martina,,A1B01C002D0000003 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, South, Miami)
        Selby,,Bernhard,,A1B01C002D0000004 (for ABC Inc., Bottles, South, NewOrleans)
        Kelly,,Pauline,,A1B02C001D0000001 (for ABC Inc., Cans, North, Boston)
        The first and second names each have 40 characters, and the territoryhierarchy ID is located at offset 80.

        Specify file name including directory path, for example:C:\TEMP\IMPORT.TXT
        Specify the validity period, from when the territory should be assignedto the position
        If you are running the report for the first time, do not selectCreate Territory Objects. The report will then run in test mode.After the report has run, check the log.
        If there are no errors, run the report again and select CreateTerritory Objects to update the database. We recommend that you runit in the background.

        When the program has run, a log is issued that specifies the status ofeach line included in the import file. The following statuses arepossible:

        • No business partner was determined

        • No position was determined

        • The position could not be determined uniquely

        • A territory with this ID does not exist

        • Everything okay