Tax Customizing Validation for Business Partner and Product

There has been severe problems with downloads of products andconditions from R/3 because of unavailability of check for the mappingthat has been maintained.

The check report can categorize whether a particular customizingsetting
falls under the category of success, error or warning. The user can get
an overview of how the tax customizing looks like in one shot.
Look and Feel:
The report is divided into a tree and a grid display. Basically the
results of the check on business partner and product customizing is
output in the tree form. But if the user requires to see all theresults
at a time, just double click on any of the nodes to have a consolidated
display of all the messages of the node and its exhaustive children
For Business Partner, the report checks the consistency in customizing
for tables TB070, TB071 and CRMC_TAX_MAP_BP. For every country and tax
type in TB070, if the tax type is valid for business partner, first the
duplication of the tax sequence is checked. If tax sequence are not
duplicated, there is a success message (with a green light) else an
error (indicated by a red light).
After this basic test, the report checks for every tax type (for a
particular country) in TB070 and the corresponding Tax Groups
maintained in TB071 if the tax mapping is maintained inCRMC_TAX_MAP_BP.
If there was no errors with the tax category (this would be the tax
sequence in case of products), and if the tax mapping with the R/3 is
maintained then a success message is displayed. If there
was a replication error with the tax sequence then even if a mapping is
maintained, a warning message (indicated by a yellow light)isdisplayed.
If there is no tax mapping maintained at all for that tax group, then
an error message is displayed.
For products, the same holds good as business partner except that the
tables under check would be TB070, CRMC_TAX_GROUP and CRMC_TAX_MAP.
The number of records displayed at the side of every node in the tree
will give an overview of the number of final messages for that node.
The red, yellow and green signal lights in the grid display would give
the corresponding number of errors, warnings and success messages in
total for a particular node.

684372Short Dump in Tax Customizing report CRM_TAX_CUST_VALIDATE
596663Validation of customizing for country specific tax types