SAP Program CRM_SET_STATUS_COMPLETED - Set status Closed to Sales Documents

Normally, the CRM status of sales orders with the status 'completed' inthe R/3 OLTP system, are also automatically set to 'completed' in theCRM system.
However, if an error should occur, you have the option of triggeringthis status change in the CRM system manually with this report.
With the help of this report, you can also set the CRM status of salesorders with the status 'completed' in the R/3 system, to 'completed' inthe CRM system.


Enter transaction numbers, data with the last change and / ortransaction types, and choose Execute.

You receive a list of transactions with the R/3 status 'open'.
You also receive the following information:

  • The leaf symbol means that the transactio nor item has the status
  • 'open' or 'in process'; the green tick means that the transaction hasthe status 'completed'.
    • In the first column, you see the status of the transaction or item in
    • the CRM system.
      • In the Item column, you see the number of the item whose status
      • is to be changed. If you do not see a number here, it is the headerstatus of a transaction.
        • In the Status column, you see the system statuses that are set
        • for this transaction or this item.
          • In the further columns, the data and time of the last change made to
          • the document and the last person to change it are displayed.
            • In the OLTP-Status column, you see the R/3 item status for the
            • document.
              If you place the cursor on a line and choose Details, you branchdirectly to the relevant transaction to display the transaction. Here,you can display the transaction and, if required, the status details.

              The Update mode flag is not set in the standard configuration,and you receive the list of transaction whose status is to be changedin display mode. As soon as you set the flag and choose Executethe statuses for the transactions are updated.
              If you execute the report in the update mode, the CRM status for theselected documents at header and item level are set to 'completed'. Werecommend that you schedule this report regularly, for example, hourly.In this way, the run time of the report is shorter, and users inInternet Sales are keep up to date regarding the status of the salesorder.

558795CRM_SET_STATUS_COMPLETED for R/3 documents
532182Error in report CRM_SET_STATUS_COMPLETED