SAP Program /ISDFPS/ACCHIERPREP - Prepare CO Hierarchy in Decentralized System (Planned Hierarchy Area)

1. You can use report /ISDFPS/ACCHIERPREP to create cost center andprofit center groups or hierarchy areas that you require forplanned cost centers (cost center standard hierarchy) andplanned profit centers (profit center standard hierarchy).You should run this report once when you set up a new (decentralized)system.
2. To create a dummy profit center (go to the transaction for creatingstandard dummy profit centers - transaction KE59), choose CreateDummy PCtr.

For 1.
When you use transaction /ISDFPS/ACCMDGEN(Generate CO Account Assignment Objs) or, alternatively, theIS-DFPS workflow in the status network of the StructuresWorkbench to generate CO master data (cost centers and profitcenters),this data is assigned to the groups and hierarchy areas selected in/ISDFPS/ACCHIERPREP.
This assignment is a provisional assignment. Once the hierarchy hasbeen generated with transaction /ISDFPS/ACCHIERGEN (GenerateCO Standard Hierarchy), the cost centers and profit centersin the relevant hierarchy are assigned definitively.
The assignment is made using therelationships in organizational management(O-KG or O-PH); see also Setting Up CO Hierarchies on the Basisof the HR Organizational Structure.
For 2.
The dummy profit center is always used when data is transferred if noprofit center has been assigned to the original assigned object (such ascost center or order). This ensures that the data in Profit CenterAccounting is complete. The data for the dummy profit center can beforwarded to the actual profit center by means of assessment ordistribution.

You are using EA-DFPS.