SAP Program /ISDFPS/ACCHIERGEN - Generate CO Standard Hierarchy from Organizational Structure

On any key date, you can generate the following hierarchies for acontrolling area from the organizational structure: standard hierarchy,alternative hierarchy.
You have defined the fiscal year interval in which the objects in therelevant hierarchy are to be valid. The system uses this time intervalto define the objects that are contained in the relevant hierarchy.
Enter the key date on which the hierarchy is to be generated.
The system proposes the current date. You can, however, overwrite thisvalue.
If you want to generate an alternative CO hierarchy, assign a suffix tothe hierarchy.
Note: Only standard hierarchies can have a name without a suffix.
If you want to replace the standard hierarchy with an alternativehierarchy:
Enter the name of the alternative hierarchy that is to become thestandard hierarchy
Note: When this new standard hierarchy is generated, the systemautomatically removes the suffix from the ,,name.
Assign a suffix to the old standard hierarchy
This hierarchy becomes an alternative hierarchy.
Specify whether the hierarchy is to be generated for cost centers orprofit centers.
Specify whether the generation is first to be carried out as a test run.
Choose Execute.
You should generate large hierarchies in the background by choosingProgram -> Execute in Background.
If large hierarchies are generated online, processing may be terminatedas a result of a timeout.
You can use the Test the Hierarchy function to check yourcorrections before they are made. Only then should you execute theHierarchy Comparison function, if required. These two functionscorrespond to the standard report RKCORRH1. For more information, seethe documentation for this report.