SAP Program CRM_PR_FIN_COPY_FIN_PRODUCT - Copy a Financing Product

This transaction can be used to copy financing products.

An existing financing product (source) is copied to a new, stillinactive product (target). On the result screen, you can

  • Activate the new product

  • Delete the new product

  • Jump to the Product Workbench

  • This transaction can only be used to copy type 03 financing products.

    The following data is copied from the source product:
    Standard set types with financing-specific data
    Basic data for financing (set type CRM_PROD_FIN01)
    Financing: Classification and views (set type CRM_PROD_FIN03)
    Financing: Distribution-chain-dependent data (set type CRM_PROD_FIN02)
    Financing: Type (set type CRM_PROD_FINTY)
    One-time flows (set type CRM_PROD_FIN04)
    Payment structure (set type CRM_PROD_FIN05)
    Financing options: Type (set type CRM_PR_FINOP01)
    Exercise dates (set type CRM_PR_FINOP02)
    Financing options: Further characteristics (set type CRM_PR_FINOP03)
    Standard set types
    Fields controlling business transactions (set type CRMM_PR_BTR)
    Sales groups (set type CRMM_PR_SALESG)
    Sales taxes (set type CRMM_PR_TAX)
    Assignment to categories
    Free attributes
    Optional data
    On the initial screen of the Copy Financing Product transaction,you enter whether the following should be copied:
    Long texts
    Short texts
    "Financing - Product" relationship (interlinkage FINANC)
    "Financing - Product category" relationship (interlinkage FINCAT)
    "Financing option" relationship (interlinkage FINOPT)
    It is not possible to automatically copy user-defined set types.

    On the selection screen, you enter the ID of the source product and thetarget product, as well as which optional data should be copied.

    On the result screen, the system displays the new, inactive financingproduct. Now you can directly activate it, delete it, or jump to theProduct Workbench in order to check and further edit it. Remember thatonce a product is activated it can no longer be deleted. Therefore, youshould check the financing product before you activate it. Onlyinactive products can be deleted directly.