SAP Program CRM_PROV_CHECK_AND_ALIGN_TS - Adjustment of Time Slices in Provider Contracts

You can use this report to check and adjust time slices in providercontracts. This is necessary for provider contracts that contain itemsfor which the end date and end time of a time slice are not specified.

You can select provider contracts (by using the Contract Numberfield) or provider orders and change orders (by using theTransaction Number field).
In addition, you can make the following settings:

  • Show Only Corrupted Contracts

  • Select this checkbox if you want to see only the corrupted contracts.
    • Show Item Information

    • Select this checkbox if you want to see detailed item information, forexample, item number, time slice start, time slice end, product, lasttime slice indicator, and item GUID.
      • Align Time Slices

      • Select this checkbox if you want to change the time slice information.
        • Only Test

        • Select this checkbox if you want to test the report. Deselect thischeckbox only if you have tested the report before.

          To adjust time slices in provider contracts, we recommend that youproceed as follows:
          Start the report with the range of contract numbers or order numbers,and with the following settings:
          Show Only Corrupted Contracts: selected
          Show Item Information: not selected
          Align Time Slices: not selected
          Only Test: selected
          The result list contains all contract numbers (internal documentnumbers) with corrupted time slices.
          Start the report with the numbers of the documents with corrupted timeslices, and with the following settings:
          Show Only Corrupted Contracts: selected
          Show Item Information: selected
          Align Time Slices: selected
          Only Test: selected
          The result list contains all contract numbers (internal documentnumbers) with corrupted time slices, and a proposal for how these timeslices can be aligned.
          If the proposals are OK, start the report with the same settings as inthe second step but deselect the Only Test checkbox.
          All time slices in the list with the New checkbox selected arecorrected.
          For security reasons, you have to commit (confirm) the alignment. If youare sure that all alignments are OK, choose Goto -> Extras-> Commit Time Slices.
          If you cannot accept the proposals from the second step, you can adjustthe time slices of each document individually. By double-clicking therow containing Align Time Slice: , youget a table where you can adjust the time slices and status LastTime Slice.
          Then you can save the changed data by choosing the Save icon inthe toolbar, or the Save Time Slices and Go Back pushbutton.
          You can generate a proposal for the time slices by choosing thePropose New Time Slices pushbutton.

          Use this report with caution.
          If you need a backup of the time slices, use the list functions to savethe original data to a file.