SAP Program CRM_ORGMAN_DOWNLOAD - CRM Mobile Client Download (Online)

The report serves to start the download of the organizational structurefor sales or service on the mobile client online. You can choose theoperation type (initial download, Delta download with and withoutdeletions as well as the sales area bundling).
Should you require a regular download and wish to schedule this as abatch job, use the program for buffering attributes for scenarios. Thedata for the download are then determined when building the attributebuffer; this reduces the total runtime of the download.

The prerequisite for executing the download is that the attributebuffer for the SALE and SERVICE Scenarios are switched on.


The "Initial" parameter serves in the first download of the completestructure.
If you activate the "Delta - Changes" parameter, only the changes up tothe last download on the mobile client are downloaded. With "Delta -Changes/ Deletions" deleted objects are additionally removed fromClients.
With the parameter "Common Sales Areas" you directly activate thetransfer of distribution channels and divisions commonly use in theOLTP R/3 System (Sales Area Bundling).

1360878Issues in SMOMITAREA during CRM Orgman Download II
737315CRM 4.0: Performance problems
707945CRM 4.0 Delta download does not transfer all information
561987SAPKU30012: Support Package 12 for EBP 3.0/CRM 3.0