SAP Program CRM_MKTLIST_MAPPING_TRANSPORT - Transfer Mapping Formats

This program allows the user to copy a mapping format from a sourcesystem (the CRM system where the program is run) to a target system(another CRM system, identified via an RFC destination of type '3', orthe same as the source system, if no RFC destination is specified).
Before copying can take place, the program checks the source mappingformat for problems that could potentially lead to inconsistencies inthe target system. These are:

  • Source mapping format contains a target field with an assignment
  • constant.
    • Source mapping format contains a target field with assignment code.

    • Source mapping format contains a target field with assignment values.

    • Source mapping format contains a target field with reference to a
    • marketing attribute or a questionnaire.
      • Source mapping format contains a target field belonging to a customer
      • APPEND.
        If such a problem is found in the source mapping format, a warning popupis displayed requesting user confirmation to proceed.
        (Example: Source mapping format M contains target field PERS_COUNTRYISOat position x with value mapping 'Deutschland' -> 'DE', where 'DE' isthe customizing key used in the source system to refer to 'Germany',whilst in the target system Customizing 'DE' stands for 'Denmark'.)
        The ID of the target mapping format defaults to the ID of the sourcemapping format, unless specified otherwise by the user. In either case,the program checks whether a mapping format with the target ID alreadyexists in the target system. If this is the case, a warning popup isdisplayed requesting user confirmation to overwrite the correspondingmapping format in the target system with the source mapping format.