SAP Program CRM_MKTLIST_BW_WONCUST_BATCH - Provides Key Figure 'Customers Won' for BW Delta Queue

Determines the entries in the external list for which the key figure'Customers Won' should be set in BW.

A prerequisite is that the scenario 'External List Management' is usedin CRM and at least one list has been imported into CRM.
You can also use external lists that have been loaded into BW and thentransferred via the Segment Builder into CRM. The above key figure canalso be determined for these entries.

The program has LIST_ID as a parameter.If LIST_ID is completed, the program first selects all entries in theexternal list for this LIST_ID and then records are generated for theseentries for the BW-DeltaQueue. If LIST_ID is left empty, the programselects all entries from the the address lists that have not beendeleted.

For all records where the key figure 'Customer won' is set, an entry isgenerated in the list, containing the LIST_ID and business partner.
There are two ways to call up this output:
If the program is scheduled as a job, the whole output list is issaved as a spool whilst the program is running and can be called up,saved as a file or printed out.
If the program is started Online , you receive a list of allrecords for the BW-DeltaQueue and you can either save this or print itout. (Important note: The program should only be started onlineif you are sure that the amount for selection is so small that you willnot have a high runtime.)