SAP Program CRM_MKTBP_BPS_OF_TG_ASSIGN_ATT - Assignment of an Attribute Value to all BPs in a Target Group

This program can be used to assign a list of business partners(=business partners from the target group specified) to an attributevalue. When doing this, you can replace an existing value with a new oneor assign a new value. If you specify an old value, then only thebusiness partner assignments that are assigned to the old value will bechanged. If you only enter a new value, then this value will be assignedto all business partners. For a single-value attribute, an error messagewill be issued if the business partner is already assigned to anothervalue for this attribute.
The value of an attribute cannot be changed to " " (Space) if no morevalued attributes exist. In this case you must call the report fordeleting business partner assignments to a target group.