SAP Program CRM_LOY_BP_MEMBER_SYNC_MAIN - Full upload / delta upload of business partners to members


,,You use this report program to synchronize business partner data withthe member table (used in loyalty management applications)

If CRM and Loyalty applications are running on two separate systems,then maintain customizing for RFC connections between both the systems.

This program supports 4 modes of operation:

  • Full Synchronization

  • ,,This synchronizes all the business partners present in BUT000 tablewith the members in member table
    • Delta Synchronization

    • ,,Iff errors occur during "Full Upload / BADI executions", the businesspartners that could not be synchronized are ,,pushed to a separatetable( CRMD_LOY_MEM_COP ) . To synchronize these failed businesspartners , this ,,option "Delta Upload" can be used .
      ,,Business partners that have been synchronized successfully by deltaupload report are deleted from the "Failed ,,Business Partners" table (CRMD_LOY_MEM_COP ) .
      • Expired addresses sync

      • ,,A business partner might have more than 1 standard address , all ofwhich would be valid during different ,,periods of time . So, forexample, a business partner address copied a month earlier in the membertable might ,,not still be valid on the present day. To synchronizemembers whose addresses have expired , this mode can ,,be used.
        • Search Criteria

        • ,,This mode can be used to synchronize specific business partners withthe member data. When you select this ,,option and enter the searchcriteria , all the business partners that satisfy these criteria aresynchronized with ,,the member table.


          Processing parameter values are defaulted from the Customizing "DefineBatch Processing parameters" maintained in the loyalty system. However,you can modify these values to make processing faster. Recommendedvalues are given below:

          Recommanded values:
          Data set refers to the number of records that need to be synchronized :

          • For full upload

          • ,,Data set means the total number of business partners in the system
            • For delta upload

            • ,,Data set means the number of entries in the database table :CRMD_LOY_MEM_COP ( this table is present in ,,CRM system )
              • For expired addresses sync mode

              • ,,Data set is the number of members whose addresses have expired sincethe last time this report was run in ,,"Expired addresses sync " mode.
                • For search criteria mode

                • ,,Data set means the number of business partners that meet the selectioncriteria

                  1) For data set size less than 20000 :
                  ,,Packet size for each process ,,= 1000
                  ,,Packet size over RFC calls ,,= 1000
                  ,,Number of parallel processes ,,= 10

                  2) For data set size between 20000 and 100000
                  ,,Packet size for each process ,,= 4000
                  ,,Packet size over RFC calls ,,= 4000
                  ,,Number of parallel processes ,,= 15

                  3) For data set size more then 100000
                  ,,Packet size for each process ,,= 11000
                  ,,Packet size over RFC calls ,,= 11000
                  ,,Number of parallel processes = 15

                  Selection check box : IS MEMBER TABLE EMPTY :
                  If this box is checked , it is assumed that the member table iscurrently empty, so the program does not check if a business partneralready exists in the member table.

                  Specifying the search criteria :

                  Features supported :
                  In Business Partner ID and Creation Date, you can specify include /exclude ranges .
                  In the following fields, you can input a string that includes an *(asterisk) :
                  Business Partner ID / Number
                  Name 1 , Name 2
                  Created By

                  Constraint :
                  When specifying a search critera for Business Partner ID/ Number,
                  range-high box of selection criteria must not contain an * (asterisk).
                  If the range-low box contains a * then the range-high box must beinitial