SAP Program CRM_ISU_ARC_PROFILE_SAVE - Archiving Profile: Write Program

You use this program to archive IS-U/CRM profiles.
Two variants are possible:
Only profiles, in which the preprocessing program set the deletionindicator, are selected. However, the checks that have already been runin the preprocessing program are performed again (preferred procedure).
All profiles are inspected again, according to the selection criteria,and are immediately written in the archive. (This allows you to avoidpreprocessing for straightforward data quantities.)
The profile is not used in an active quotation or contract. (Note: Thischeck has been stored in the default implementation for theARC_CRM_ISUPRO_CHECK BAdI. This makes it possible to either enhance ordeactivate this check.)
The valid-to date of the profile is older than the specified retentionperiod (see below).
You can use the 'profile type' and 'profile value category' selectionparameters to restrict the selection. You can also specify certainprofile numbers (intervals).

This program is entered as a write program for the CRMISU_PRO IS-UArchiving: CRM Profiles archiving object.
The CRM_ISU_ARC_PROFILE_DELTE delete program is then used to delete thearchived profiles from the database.

The retention period must be maintained for the storage location, forwhich the profiles are to be archived.
The CRM_ISU_ARC_PROFILE_CHECK preprocessing program should be used topreselect the profiles that are to be archived. However, this step isoptional.
A profile is only archived if it is not locked by another process.


Storage location - Here you specify the storage location, for which youwant to archive profiles.
Profile - Here you enter the profile numbers, to which you want theselection to be restricted.
Deletion indicator - Here you specify whether only those profiles, forwhich the deletion indicator is set (by the preprocessing program) areto be archived.
Profile type - Here you enter the profile type, to which the selectionis to be restricted.
Profile value category - Here you enter the profile value category, towhich the selection is to be restricted.

Process Control
Test mode - If you choose this option, then the program is executed intest mode.
Production mode - If you choose this option, then the program isexecuted in production mode.
Detail log - If this indicator is not set, then the system only outputsa compressed log of processed objects.
Comment for archiving run - Here you enter a text, which describes thecontent of the archive files for an archiving run.
Note: You can also manually delete profiles. These profiles do notappear in the preprocessing program, but are taken into consideration bythis report. However, they are only archived if they fulfill theaforementioned criteria.

Log of archived profiles.


Consumption factors of synthetic profiles are not archived.