SAP Program CRM_ISU_ARC_PROFILE_POST - Archiving Profile: Postprocessing Program

You can use this program for the following purposes:
Remove profiles from the favorites for users using the ProfilesBSP application. The favorites are deleted if the profile is no longerlocated in the database, if it is deleted (a deletion flag is set), orthe Valid To date no longer lies in the retention period.
Modify the status of profiles in the Points of Delivery BSPapplication. For profiles with a Valid To date that is older thanthe retention period, the status is set to "Deleted". This means thatthey are no longer listed on the "Active" Profiles tab page.

This program is entered as a postprocessing program for the CRMISU_PROarchiving object IS-U Archiving: CRM Profiles. It is particularlyimportant for removing invalid profiles from external storage locations(such as SAP IS-U/EDM) from active processing.


Storage location - Here you specify the storage location, for which youwant to process profiles and favorites.

BSP Application Profiles
Adjust favorites - Select this parameter if you want to delete invalidfavorites.

Points of Delivery
Adjust status - Select this parameter if you want to indicate "invalid"profiles accordingly.
Profile key in storage location - Here you enter the key of theprofiles, for which the status at the point of delivery is to be set to"deleted".
Note: If you do not enter any value here, then all profiles for allpoints of delivery are inspected. This can lead to considerableruntimes.

Process Control
Test mode - If you choose this option, then the program is executed intest mode.
Update mode - If you choose this option, then the program is executed inupdate mode.
Detail log - If you do not set this indicator, then only a compressedlog is output for the processed objects.

Result log for inspected favorites and profile statuses.
Note: In the log messages, the system outputs the key for theappropriate IBase components as a point of delivery key. You can usetransaction IB53 to have the system display the details for this pointof delivery (such as the address).

When archiving CRM profiles, you only need to check the favorites. Theprofile status is set by the archiving programs.

Enter the following selection criteria if you no longer want the systemto display the status of EDM profiles, whose Valid To date nolonger lies within the retention period, on the Active (Profiles)tab page of the Points of Delivery BSP application:
,,Storage location: EDM
Points of delivery
,,Adjust status: Yes
,,Profile key in storage location: <> Initial (standard specification)