SAP Program CRM_IPM_TMPL_DPL_PROCESS - Postprocessing for Data Collector

This program can be used to execute or repeat three processes in thesettlement data collector on an individual basis, which are usuallyexecuted automatically when lines in the settlement data collector arecreated or changed. This involves

  • Updating the values in the raw lines in the outgoing royalties billing
  • due list
    • Determining acquisition contracts (Generation of derived lines from raw
    • lines); Values are also updated in the billing due list here.
      • Correcting the assignment to billing due list items following a period
      • change. Values are also updated in the billing due list here.
        You usually make your selection using the "Selection of Raw Lines" tabpage. The following options are possible here:
        • If the "Update Only" option is selected, and statuses B and C have been
        • excluded, the system only repeats the update of values in the billingdue list, which may have previously failed due to a locking conflict.These are standard settings and this variant of the report can bescheduled as a regular background job. An additional restriction usingthe selection is not usually required.
          • If the "New Acquisition Contract Determination" option is selected, the
          • system performs acquisition contract determination for the raw lines forthe document numbers specified. If thestatus restriction is deleted during this process, you can also assignvalues that were previously updated to a different acquisition contract,if for example the validity periods or rights characteristics inacquisition contracts have been changed subsequently.
            • The 'Following Period Change" option must be selected, if values that
            • have already been updated are to be entered in a different period in thebilling due list. This is necessary if the settlement frequency for anacquisition contract has changed and new billing due list items havebeen generated.
              In exceptional cases, you should make your selection using the"Selection of Derived Lines" tab page. The system selects derived linesusing the acquisition contract or acquisition contract item here. Itonly determines the associated raw lines for these derived lines, andprocesses these as described above.
              • If the "Update Only" option is selected, and statuses B and C have been
              • excluded, the system only repeats the update of values in the billingdue list, which may have previously failed due to a locking conflict. Anadditional restriction using the selection is not usually required here.The effect is then the same as that for the "Selection of Raw Lines" tabpage.
                • If the "New Acquisition Contract Determination" option is selected, the
                • system performs acquisition contract determination for the raw linesselected using the derived lines. If the status restriction is deletedduring this process, you can also assign values that have already beenupdated to an acquisition contract that is not the same as the contractselected, or delete the assignment to the contract selected. This canfor example be used to delete the assignment to the selected contract ifthe rights characteristics in acquisition contracts have been changedsubsequently.
                  Example 1: You have reduced the rights from TV to Free TV in theacquisition contract item. In this situation, the system deletes theassignments to the acquisition contract item for values that are nolonger relevant (sales transactions). You cannot however use thisfunction if you have extended the rights in the acquisition contractitem from Free TV to TV. (In this situation, you must make a selectionusing the "Selection of Raw Lines" tab page.
                  Example 2: You have created a new acquisition contract, which replacesthe original acquisition contract. In this situation, the system deletesthe assignments of values (sales transactions) to the originalacquisition contract and creates assignments to the new acquisitioncontract. However, this is only possible if both acquisition contractscontain identical attributes for contract determination.
                  As the examples above show, it is not possible to restrict "newacquisition contract determination" to a specific acquisition contract.
                  • The 'Following Period Change" option must be selected, if values that
                  • have already been updated are to be entered in a different period in thebilling due list. This is necessary if the settlement frequency for anacquisition contract has changed and new billing due list items havebeen generated. You can select this acquisition contract specificallyhere. If values are relevant to more than one acquisition contract, thesystem makes this change in all of these acquisition contracts.

                    Raw lines have a status with the following significance:

                    • Initial: Contract determination has not yet been performed.

                    • A: Contract determination has been performed. Values have not yet been
                    • updated in the billing due list.
                      • B: Contract determination has been performed. Values have been updated
                      • in the billing due list.
                        • C: Contract determination was performed. No derived lines generated.
                        • This means that no contracts were found during contract determination.
                          Derived lines have a status with the following meaning:
                          • A: Values have not yet been updated in the billing due list (or have not
                          • yet been subtracted for a derived line that has been cancelled)
                            • B: Values have been updated in the billing due list.

                            • C: Values have been changed or subtracted in subsequent periods: This
                            • derived line is retained for the itemized statement.
                              A derived line contains:
                              • The last values updated

                              • The item number of the BRI for the license acquisition contract in which
                              • the values were updated.
                                If the update fails due to a locking error, the derived line retainsstatus A and the values that were previously updated successfully.

                                The program processes a number of raw lines so that these raw lines andthe associated derived lines are assigned status B. This means thatcontract determination was performed and values were updated in thebilling due list. (However, if the update fails due to lockingconflicts, status A is retained).
                                If you execute this function with the "New Acquisition ContractDetermination" or "Following Period Change" option, you must lock theraw line. To ensure that values can also be updated in the billing duelist, you must also set a lock for the license acquisition contract. Ifyou execute this function with the "Update Only" option, you must lockthe raw line and the license acquisition contract.