SAP Program CRM_ES_ALL_MODEL_TRANSFER - Model Transfer of all CRM ES Templates of a Template Set

In the CRM Enterprise Search Workbench, you can transfer the model ofindividual templates to SAP NetWeaver Enterprise Search. If you wish totransfer all templates belonging to a template set simultaneously, thenuse this program.

Use transaction CRM_ES_MT to call the program.


  • In the field Template Set, you specify the template set for
  • transport.
    • In the field Software Component, you specify the software
    • component under which the templates will be grouped in the EnterpriseSearch Template Modeler.
      • The checkbox Transfer model controls the transfer of the template
      • model.
        • The checkbox Transfer requests controls the transfer of the
        • template requests.
          • The checkbox Transfer response controls the transfer of the
          • template responses.
            • The checkbox Transfer BOs first determines whether Business
            • Object templates (BOs) are transferred before Technical Object (TOs)templates.

              Check the result of the template transfer in the application log underobject CRM_ES and subobject CRM_ES_MODEL_TRANS. A separate log entry iscreated for each template transfer.