SAP Program CRM_ERMS_DELETE_DATA - Delete Reporting Data

This report deletes past records from the CRM system which were used forE-Mail Response Management System (ERMS) analytics in SAP BusinessInformation Warehouse (SAP BW). When you run this report, you rid yoursystem of outdated or unnecessary information. Running this reportregularly may improve system performance.

Select search criteria
Choose the time period by choosing the dates analyses were created orlast changed. All records that meet these criteria are deleted by thesystem.
Check Extracted Data Only flag
When this flag is selected, this report only deletes records from theCRM system that meet the search criteria and have been extracted intoSAP BW.
When this flag is deselected, this report deletes all records from theCRM system that match the criteria, regardless of whether these recordswere already extracted into SAP BW.
To prevent unintentional deletion of records that were not yet extractedinto SAP BW, this flag is selected by default.