SAP Program CRM_DOWNLOAD_ORG_TO_MSA - Test Report Download Sales/Service Organization to Mobile Client

Test Report for Copying CRM Organizational Structure to the MobileClient

This report is used to test the download of the organizationalstructure for sales or service to the mobile client. It is exclusivelyfor test or internal purposes, and not for productive use! To downloadthe organizational structure for productive use, use reportCRM_ORGMAN_DOWNLOAD (online) or HRBCI_ATTRIBUTES_BUFFER_UPDATE
(background job) only.


In parameter "Root Orgamization" enter the root object from theorganizational structure that you wish to download to the mobileclient.
The parameter "Initial Download" is used for the first download of thecomplete structure. If objects in the selected structire already existin the mobile client, the initial download will be terminated and amessage will appear. If this happens, set the parameter "DeltaDownload".
If you activate the parameter "Delta Download", only changes to thelast download to the mobile client are downloaded. All objects that arenot in the selected structure are deleted!
The parameter "Common Sales Areas" directly activates copying ofdistribution channels and divisions that are used together in the OLTPR/3 System (sales area bundling).