Title Purpose
The following references are generated in the posting system (FI forexample): Prerequisites Features Selection Standard_variants Output Note: If you choose a reference for a reversal posting, only thereversed record is displayed. If you choose a reference for a reversedposting record, the system displays the reversal record, the originalplanned record and the original individual document. Example References from the RBD component: Processing: If you enter a document number from the posting system, the systemsearches using this reference. If you do not enter a document number,the system searches using the actual record reference, if this field isempty the system searches using the sequence number for the plannedrecord. The system searches for the actual or planned record for the reference,then the account information and the individual documents, if available.The system also determines the account information for the accountsposted to from the posting system. If the record is a reversal record or has been reversed the system alsodisplays the relevant reversal record or reversed record. In additionthe system displays the original planned record and the originalindividual document for a reversed record. Output: The system displays the collected information in the form of a table,which you can also print out. Background: You can use this report to trace how different postings were made. |