SAP Program CRM_CATEGORY_TRANSPORT - Transport Categories

Transport Categories

This report is used to transport hierarchies and their categories fromone system to another. In particular, it facilitates the transportationof hierarchies and their categories from a test to a production system,or from one client to another. It transports both the SAP Producthierarchy data and CRM-specific hierarchy data.
This report should be executed in the source system, with the targetsystem being specified on the selection screen, together with thehierarchy ID of the relevant hierarchy or hierarchies.

In order to execute this report, the user must have the authorization tocreate and transport hierarchies and categories. To do this, theauthorization objects COM_CAT and COM_HIER are required.
Logical System Mapping
There must be a record in the mapping table COMC_LOGSYS_MAP for eachlogical system for which there are hierarchies and categories in yoursource system. Assign logical systems in the IMG activity AssignLogical Systems.
Set Types
The set types assigned in the hierarchy must already exist in the targetsystem. If necessary, transport the set types before running the report.To do this, choose Set Types/Attributes -> Transport inset type and attribute maintenance.
Numbering Scheme and Product Views
The Customizing settings for category numbering schemes and productviews must be transported before the report is run.


Logical Destination
The logical destination is the target system for the transportedhierarchies and their categories. This system must be defined as aRemote Function Call (RFC) destination using transaction code SM59 (
Display and Maintain RFC Destinations).
Product Hierarchy ID
Enter the hierarchy ID of the hierarchy that is to be transported. Ifnone is entered then all hierarchies and their categories will betransported.
Category ID
If you do not specify a category ID all categories within the specifiedhierarchies are transported. You can specify more than one category.
Delta Load
You can execute the report repeatedly for a specific hierarchy, even ifit already exists in the target system. The report transports any newand changed data.
Deletions, such as deleted categories, texts, set types, or relationshiptypes, are not transported to the target system. Any deletions have tobe performed manually in the target system.
If you have already transported hierarchy data using the reportCOM_CATEGORY_TRANSPORT, you can still run the CRM report to transportthe CRM-specific data.

The report displays the standard application log which lists informationand error messages generated during the report execution.