SAP Program CRM_BUPA_USERSTATUS_CONV2ROLE - CRM BP: Convert User Status to BP Role

A user status cannot be maintained for business partners in the CRMWebClient UI due to conceptual changes. The functionality providedinstead focuses on life cycle statuses based on the business partnerroles assigned to a business partner.
If you still want to use your user status information (configuration ofstatus profiles and assignments of user status to business partners) inthe CRM WebClient UI, two reports are available that enable you toconvert your existing user status data into business partner roles:

  • You can convert a status profile for the object type "Business Partner"
  • to a role exclusion group (which comprises the roles corresponding toindividual statuses) using the report BUP_STATUSPROFILE_CONVERT.
    • You can subsequently convert the user status master data into roles for
    • use with the account life cycle using this report, CRM_B
      UPA_USERSTATUS_CONV2ROLE (also see note 1097651).

      Before starting this report, make sure that there is at least onebusiness partner role exclusion group available in the system. The rolesassigned to this exclusion group serve as the targets for mapping eachindividual user status contained within the status profile.
      Ideally the role exclusion group will contain the same number of rolesas the number of individual user statuses within the status profile sothat a proper one-to-one mapping of user status to role can be done.
      You can create a role exclusion group to which a status profile can bemapped using the report BUP_STATUSPROFILE_CONVERT.

      To convert user status master data assigned to a business partner, youneed to specify the roles to which each user status should be mapped.You do this manually after specifying the status profile and roleexclusion group.
      When the report is executed, the relevant business partners are updatedaccording to the defined mapping. The relevant business partners arethose for which a user status exists, based on the status profile.
      The report can be started in dialog mode or in the background. If youwant to run the report in the background, you need a variant containingthe selection criteria (such as status profile, role exclusion group,business partner range).
      If you intend to convert a large amount of data (in particular, statusprofiles and user statuses assigned to business partners in the tablesCRM_JSTO and CRM_JEST), it is advisable to run the report in thebackground to prevent a timeout during online processing and to reducethe system load. Using the transaction SA38, you can either execute thereport immediately or schedule it for a later point in time.
      The mapping of user statuses to roles for any status profile and roleexclusion group can be saved to the Customizing table CRMC_BUP_STATMAP.If you run the report in the background, the mapping is read from thistable as no entries can be made manually.
      Before starting the report in the background with a variant comprising avalid status profile and role exclusion group, make sure that themapping is saved to the table CRMC_BUP_STATMAP. You can also maintainthe table using the transaction SE16.

      On the selection screen, enter the status profile and the role exclusiongroup. You also can limit the range of business partners to beconverted.
      The conversion can be executed in test mode. This does not update themaster data. To do this, make sure the Test Run indicator is set(default setting).
      On the next screen, specify the mapping for the statuses contained inthe selected status profile to the business partner roles contained inthe selected role exclusion group.
      Note that the mapping needs to be specified for all statuses beforeperforming the conversion. You can assign the same role more than once.However, we recommend that you define a distinct assignment between auser status and role.
      If you intend to use the mapping of user statuses to roles to run thereport in the background, save the mapping specified to the tableCRMC_BUP_STATMAP. To do this, choose Save.
      After specifying the mapping, choose Execute to start theconversion in either test or update mode.
      RESET N1

      In dialog mode, the application log is displayed automatically afterevery conversion, and shows all business partners that were updated. Youcan also display the log by choosing Application Log.
      In background mode, the job log merely gives the result of theconversion, and does not list the individual business partners.