CRM_BUPA_ANTLF_ADD is used to synchronize data in the field MAX_NO_DLV (
Maximum Number of Partial Deliveries) when upgrading to CRM 5.2and later releases. It ensures that this field is compatible withprevious versions.
To do this, the program downloads the contents of the ERP field ANTLFcontained in the table KNVV to SAP CRM.
The program must be run after the upgrade has been completed.

The program works only for the SAP ERP releases 2005 and 2007.

You have the following options when running the report:

  • Enter a business partner ID to run the update for a single business
  • partner. If a business partner is not specified explicitly, the updateis run for all business partners that exist.
    • Set the Test Run indicator to run the report without actually
    • updating the data in the system.
      The ERP connection information is read from the table SMOF_ERPSH, wherethe field SITETYPEID contains the value SMOF_ERPSITE. The ERP release isderived from the field ERP_PI_RELEASE.