Report CRM_BTX_EXTENSION_BAPITEST enables you to test different BAPIs ontheir functionality with regard to the enhancement of newbusiness transactioncomponents. New business transaction components are created using theEasy Enhancement Workbench (EEW), and can be used in businesstransactions after Customizing has taken place.
This report enables you to test the following:

  • Can the BAPIs read the values of the new business transaction
  • components? (See function module BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_GETDETAILMUL.)
    • Can - based on the values read - a new transaction be created using a
    • BAPI (see function module BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI), and can theexisting items then be copied using another BAPI? (See function moduleBAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CHANGEMULTI.)


      • You have basic knowledge of BAPIs and how they work.

      • You have learned about the generation and use of new business
      • transaction components using the EEW. This is necessary, since at leastone newly generated component must be used in a business transactionbefore you can read or copy the data using the report.
        You can find more information on the EEW in the SAP Library undermySAP Customer Relationship Management -> Components and Functions-> Basic Functions -> Enhancements with the Easy Enhancement Workbench
        • Before you execute the report you have created a new business
        • transaction component using the EEW.
          • You have maintained Customizing such, that the new business transaction
          • component appears in a transaction. To do this, go to the ImplementationGuide under Customer Relationship Management -> Transactions ->Basic Settings -> Enhancements with the Easy Enhancement Workbench.
            • After making the required Customizing settings, you create a new
            • business transaction and make entries for the new enhancements at itemlevel. You save the newly created transaction and note the transactionID with the corresponding names of the newly generated businesstransaction components.


              To start the report you have to maintain the following importparameters:

              • Transaction ID: Enter the ID of the previously created transaction.

              • Business transaction component 1 - 5: You can display/copy up to five
              • components that have been created. The restriction was decided uponbecause the report is only provided for the purpose of testing the basicfunctionality of the BAPIs. Obviously, the BAPIs themselves can workwith more components. You should, however, specify at least onecomponent, otherwise the test is not helpful.

                The report is displayed on screen when the individual steps are beingexecuted. When they are finished, the new transaction ID of the copiedand changed transaction is output.
                You can now display the business transaction and compare whether thecorresponding values of the new business transaction component werecreated and filled.
                Note: The report does not copy all subobjects of a transaction,rather only the newly created business transaction components or theindividual items. Therefore, if data is missing at header level, this isdue to the simplified functionality of the report.