SAP Program CRM_BILLING_RECONC_AMOUNT - Compare Totals Between CRM Items and R/3 Billing Documents

Because billing for leases takes places in the R/3 System, this reportselects CRM items for which billing documents have already been createdand compares the amounts that should be billed according to CRM withthe amounts that have actually been billed.
The report outputs two lists:

  • One list contrasts the values to be billed and the billed values at the
  • totals level (totals comparison)
    • The other list is an error list: it lists all the items for which a
    • variance was detected.
      Variances can involve the currency, the net amount or the tax amount.


      • /0SAP ,,Standard variant for the totals comparison

      • /1SAP ,,Standard variant for the error list

      • You can enter alternate variants for both lists.