SAP Program WVXPRA06 - Add field for allowed pricing levels to table TVKOV

XPRA for processing the enhancement of table TVKOV (organization unit:distribution channel per sales organization) by field VLKEB (allowedpricing levels below the distribution chain).
The program executes the following functions:
With the enhancement of TVKOV, the field VLKEB is initial (zero). Whenupgrading to the next Release, this field is filled in line with thedistribution chain category TVKOV-VLTYP to ensure consistency of theprevious program logic:

  • 0 (price lists only) for wholesale distribution chains

  • 1 (plants only) for store and DC distribution chains

  • The upgrade is valid for all clients.
    If the field VLKEB is not initial (zero), the TVKOV entry is notselected from the database and thus not modified. The report can thenbe started after the upgrade without this having any consequences. Thetable is upgraded when upgrading to Release 4.5A.