Report VAKCR_REBUILD rebuilds the application table VAKCR. You can usethe report for the initial build or for reorganizing inconsistent data.
The report does not set any blocks, because no direct document data ischanged. However, run the report at a time with as few postings aspossible to avoid sales documents being created during runtime; thereport creates no entries for these documents in index table VAKCR.
You can also activate index usage manually in transactions VKM1, VKM2,and VKM4. Use transaction SE11 to create a table entry and transactionSE16 to change the table entry. If you have activated the index usageand the rebuild is not yet complete, users at this time do not havesales documents in VKM* transactions.


  • For the initial rebuild, leave the selection for sales documents empty.

  • If you select a sales document or an area of sales documents, tableVAKCR is rebuilt for them.
    If you do not select any sales documents, the rebuild is for all opensales documents.
    • You have a choice of 5 selection methods. Test the selection methods
    • beforehand without making any data changes, to determine the selectionmethod with the best runtime in your system environment.
      Select VBUK inner join VBAK: The relevant sales documents areselected with a join, whereby VBUK is selected first and VBAK isselected via an inner join.
      Select with View (V_VMVAH): The relevant sales documents areprocured via database view V_VMVAH.
      Select VBUK + IN list VBAK: VBUK data is selected first. Then thereport selects the associated VBAK records for all VBUK records. Toolarge a number of VBUK records can lead to termination in the databaseinterface. In this case, test the next selection method.
      Select VBUK + VBAK by block: VBUK data is selected first. Thenthe report selects the amount of VBAK data specified under block size,block by block. This avoids termination of the database interface due totoo large a number of relevant sales documents.
      Select VBUK + VBAK in Loop: VBUK data is selected first. Then thedata from the VBAK is enhanced with a "select single" for each entry ina loop via the selected VBUK records.
      • In database operations, you can specify whether you run the report in
      • test mode, write the determined data in the database, or additionallyactivate index usage in transactions VKM1, VKM2, and VKM4.
        If you activate index usage, a corresponding entry is created in tableTVIND_CR.
        You can also activate index usage manually by creating an entry in SE11.
        You can also manually deactivate index usage by unchecking
        the activation flag from table TVIND_CR or removing the entrycompletely.
        • Use runtime measurement to determine the runtime for the individual
        • selection methods in your system environment.
          • You can suppress list output with the SAP List Viewer. In this case, you
          • only get the number of entries and, if required, runtime.