SAP Program UPS_STS_COPY_CUSTOMIZING - Copying from Customizing

This function allows Customizing for a planning session to be copiedfrom one planning session to another planning session. The followingsubobjects can be selected to be copied:

  • Attributes for planning sessions

  • Selection of header characteristics for planning sessions

  • Planning application and control report URLs/ links

  • Planning sequences/ events at status change

  • It is possible to copy selected subobjects both from one planningsession to another within a subplan, and from a planning session in onesubplan to a planning session in a different subplan. The system checksto what extent the hierarchies in the subplans involved correspond toone another. This means that in the target planning session, planningapplication and control planning session URLs/ links, and planningsequences/ events at status change, are only replaced if the hierarchynodes are identical.