SAP Program UPS_DELETE - Deletion of Subplans and Planning Sessions

Two different delete options are available:

  • 'Delete subplan completely' - With this option all of the following
  • data for the subplan specified is deleted from the Status and TrackingSystem:
    the hierarchy that was imported into the STS
    any Customizing for the planning session affected.
    • 'Delete planning session for a subplan' - With this option you can
    • choose which Customizing is to be deleted for this planning sessionfor the subplan selected:
      Attributes for the specified planning session
      Selection of header characteristics for the specified planning session
      Planning application and control report URLs/links
      Planning sequences/ events at status change.
      Lock entries for nodes
      Status history - when deleting a status history note that when usingthis planning session for the selected subplan at any point in thefuture, you have to reinitialize this.
      Comments entered in the monitor for the specified planning session.
      Remarks on deleting comments: In a delete operation, comments aredeleted first. If you start the delete operation when no hierarchy hasbeen maintained in the STS for the selected subplan, or when noattributes have been maintained for the planning session of the subplan,the system assumes that no comments exist.