SAP Program UPC_BENCHMARK_EXECUTE - Execute Benchmark Scenarios

Executing Benchmark Scenarios for SEM-BPS

This program is used to call up functions, which are contained inbenchmark scenarios, in a specific sequence and to log the performanceor memory times. The program can be started both in batch as well as inonline mode. In the case of an online call, first a table is displayedwhich contains the script and then started at user action.
In variant 1, BW is accessed read only, and different planningfunctions are executed. The number of data records always varies here.The functions are in the first block (1-24) price costing in an exitfunction (incl. BW read time), resetting the invoice (revaluationfunction) and executing again on the SEM-BPS puffer. This triple blockis now run through several times for different packages. The pricecosting is executed in the second block with the planning funcion ofthe type formula. In the third block, you copy - delete and copy againand, and in the fourth block you revaluate twice.
1000 records from BW are read, revaluated and saved in variant 2. Thenthey are revaluated and saved again. In this way, you can check howhigh the BW write performance is and what influence this has on theread performance.
Manual planning is tested in variant 3, by calling up the transaction,calling up manual planning with a varying number of records.Unfortunately at the moment the transaction must be exited manuallyafter the Excel sheet has appeared.

You require SEM-BPS rel. 2.0B from SP11 or a higher SEM-BPS release(for example 3.0A). It usually makes sense to activate the SEM-BPSstatistics and the delivered content. Read note 0350047 (techn.Performance: Content of Business Content), 0350011 (techn.Performance: Using Business Content) and 0340246 (techn. Performance:Overview about Statistics).


Area,,4PERF001/2,,The script is executed in area 1
,,,,(shows basic cube) or
,,,,area 2 (shows transactional Cube
Variant,,1, 2 or 3,,The scripts with the
,,,,numbers 1 or 2
,,,,are executed.
Range,,,,From the whole script
,,,,only the rows
,,,,from .. to .. are executed.
Batch,,'X',,The script is executed

350011GoingLive Service - Preparations for BPS Benchmark Check
540398Runtimes of planning functions in SEM-BPS