SAP Program UMG_TEST_CORRECT_CDPOS - Test correction of daggers in CDPOS after Unicode conversion

The report is part of the Unicode conversion tool test suite. It teststhe correction of dagger symbols in table CDPOS after a Unicodeconversion.

On the selection screen you can select
Test Correction
A complete run of UMG_CORRECT_CDPOS is executed. This consists of 2steps
Creation of the statistics about the objects classes of change documents
Execution of the correction for the test records
Delete test records
All test records are deleted from table CDPOS. Execute the deletionafter you finished the tests.
Use the following values
If you check on this option you can create an additional record in tableCDPOS. You have to define the structure (CDPOS-TABNAME) and the key(CDPOS-TABEY). The structure has to be defined in the SAP dictionary;otherwise the repair cannot be done.

General remarks

  • All test records are created in client 000 with object class
  • $SPUMG_TEST$ and "New Value" SPUMG_TEST
    • By default two records are created in table CDPOS. The first uses
    • structure AFVV, the second ANLA. The contents of the corresponding keyshave been taken from a real conversion. The structure of the thirdoptional record is defined by the user on the selection screen.
      • The output of the test report consists of two ABAP lists

      • A list of UMG_CORRECT_CDPOS, displaying the number of repaired records.
        A list of UMG_TEST_CORRECT_CDPOS with the contents of the fieldsCDPOS-TABNAME (=Structure) and CDPOS-TABKEY (=Key) are displayed beforeand after the call of UMG_TEST_CORRECT.
        You have to leave list a) (function key F3) to get the output ofUMG_TEST_CORRECT_CDPOS.
        • The results needs to be checked manually

        • Test records can be corrected only if there are present in the list of
        • object classes which can be used for change documents (table TCDOB). Thestructure of the additional record specified in "Use the followingvalues" is registered automatically for object class "$SPUMG_TEST$" whentest records in CDPOS are created. It is deregistered also when testrecords are deleted from CDPOS.
          • Remember: only the following characters are replaced by
            U+0000: NULL
            U+2000: EN QUAD
            U+2020: DAGGER