SAP Program UMG_RESTORE_REPLOG_BACKUP - Restore the backup of a Reprocess Log

The report can be used to restore a Reprocess Log from a backup of thelog. A backup of a Reprocess Log is created whenever a "Repeat Scan" or"Resume Scan" is done on a table. Only records with language assignmentsare stored in the backup. A "Reset Scan" deletes the Reprocess Logwithout creating a backup of it.
It might be necessary to restore the Reprocess Log if you repeat theReprocess scan and

  • the new worker job canceled and the new Reprocess Log could not be
  • written
    • you do not have the time to restart the Reprocess scan again
    • Selection
      On the selection screen you can enter the table name for which you wantto restore the Reprocess Log.


      • Make sure that you do not execute the report for tables which are
      • currently in process
        • Tables will get the status "Warning" in the worklist of the Reprocess
        • scan after the Reprocess Log is restored
          The Reprocess Log is not restored
          • for tables having the status "Consistent" or "Warning"

          • for tables which are split up (table name end with the pattern <(><<)>

          • XX>). The log is restored for the corresponding "physical" table (Status= 'S') if selected
            • for empty backups, i.e. no language assignments had been done so far