SAP Program UMG_R3LOAD_RUNTIME_PREDICTION - Predict export and import runtime of R3load

This report provides an approach to estimate the core Unicode conversiondowntime based on available hardware and database size. It implementsthe formula described in SAP note 857081. The intention is to give anorientation whether the available hardware is sufficient to finish theconversion in the available timeframe and to identify potentialbottlenecks. It does not replace the necessity of a test conversionbefore executing the conversion of the production system.

The formula covers only the time needed for data export and import.Further pre- and post-processing activities during the downtime, e.g.database statistic creation, SUMG, are not covered.
The estimated fluctuation margin of the results is factor 2 in bothdirection (-50%/+100%).


Before executing the report please provide the following input.

  • Configuration: Set the flag when the R3load export and import will run
  • in parallel.
    • Source DB Host: Provide the hardware information of the source database
    • host (non-Unicode system).
      • Target DB Host: Provide the hardware information of the target database
      • host (Unicode system).
        • Application Server: Provide the hardware information of the application
        • servers that are used to run R3load processes.
          • Database Size: Provide the data size information of the source system.
          • Initial values are retrieved from the current system.

            After executing the report @15@:

            • The estimated total, export and import conversion times are displayed.

            • A list of the largest tables of the current system is provided together
            • with a table splitting recommendation. Please read SAP note 952514 forfurther information about the table splitting feature.
              • It is possible to save a file containing export and import load
              • information. This information can be used by the Distribution Monitor todetermine the load distribution. Please read the Distribution MonitorUser's Guide for further information, SAP note 855772.

                @15@ Calculate the runtime prediction and provide table splittingrecommendation.
                @DN@ Save input data as variant.
                @0R@ Select a variant.
                @HK@ Save the Distribution Monitor export and import load information.

                Available hardware and database size of the example scenario.

                • Configuration:

                • R3load Export and Import run in parallel: flag is set
                  • Source DB Host:

                  • Number of available CPUs: 8
                    SAPS value per CPU/1000: 1
                    Disk IO-Speed in GB/h: 500
                    • Target DB Host:

                    • Number of available CPUs: 16
                      SAPS value per CPU/1000: 1
                      Disk IO-Speed in GB/h: 500
                      Database System: DB6
                      • Application Server:

                      • Number of available CPUs: 32
                        SAPS value per CPU/1000: 1
                        • Database Size:

                        • Table size in GB: 1000
                          Index size in GB: 500
                          The estimated total conversion time results in 11,11h with a marginminimum of 5,56h and a margin maximum of 22,22h.
                          The calculated export time is 9,26h. The export bottleneck is theavailable CPU equipment of the source database host.
                          The calculated import time is 9,26h. The import bottleneck is the AppServer equipment.

857081Unicode conversion: downtime estimate