SAP Program UMG_R3CHECK_FILES - Check table clusters for initial records

This report should only be used together with transaction SPUMG duringthe preparation of a system for the conversion to Unicode. The reportcreates control files for R3check as described in note 89384.
For more information about the transaction SPUMG, please refer to the'Unicode Conversion Guide' which is available as attachment of note551344.

After starting the report you see the main screen which is divided intothree parts:

  • In the top left corner there is a toolbar with two icons; to download
  • the control files to the application server and to displayonline-help.
    • The lower left corner of the screen consists of a tree which shows all
    • table clusters of the system.
      • The right part of the screen is used to display the control files.
      • Activities
        How to create the control files ?
        If you do a double click on an table cluster in the tree, the contentsof the control file is shown for one logical cluster table of thecluster. The parameter "client" is set according to the client you arecurrently logged on. The parameter "file" is set according to theplatform of the application server (either file='/dev/nul' orfile='NUL').
        If you want to download the control files you have to mark one or moretable clusters in the tree and then press the download button. Enter apath on the application server to which the files should be saved. Thiswill create a set of files according to the number of clients currentlyavaialble. For example, if you are creating a control file for tablecluster 'UMG_TEST_F', there will be 'UMG_TEST_F_000' and'UMG_TEST_F_xxx' files created where 'xxx' represents the clientnumbers.
        Please note: some table clusters are obsolete and not used anymore. Forthose clusters no files will be created.