SAP Program UMG_MDS_REPROCESS - Repeat Reprocess Scan in MDS conversion

This report is part of the Unicode Conversion Tool SPUMG and used torepeat the Reprocess Scan for so called MDS tables. The tool can be usedonly in an MDS scenario and is supported only with the involvement ofSAP consulting.
Other restrictions

  • the report can be executed in non Unicode systems only

  • the role SAP_UMG_ADMIN_ALL is required to execute the program
  • Features
    On the selection screen you can select between four different actions.All actions can be restricted on selected tables (select option "MDSTables"). All MDS Tables are processed in case of empty selectionoptions.
    View List of MDS Tables
    The table mapping "Original Table <-> MDS Table" which is currentlystored on database is displayed on an ABAP list. The table shows
    1. The table name of the "Original Table" (OT)
    2. The table name of the "MDS Table" (MT)
    3. A return code of a consistency check (column "Check")
    The return code in the column "Check" can have the following values:
    0: The check did not find any problems. The MT can be processedin the Reprocess scan
    1: The TABID is missing for the OT. The TABID is required for theuse of the vocabulary of the OT when scanning the MT. If there is noTABID for the OT the MT cannot be processed in the Reprocess scan.
    2: The nametab header is missing for the MT. If the nametab ismissing the MT cannot be processed in the Reprocess scan.
    3: No entry in the Reprocess scan for the OT. That is there is noReprocess Log for the OT so far. This is information only. Thecorresponding MT can be processed in the Reprocess scan.
    4: The entry in the Export Control Table is missing for the OT.Therefore the corresponding MT cannot be processed in the Reprocessscan.
    Add Tables to Reprocess
    MTs are added to the work lists of the Consistency Check and theReprocess scan. An entry in the Export Control Table is created also.MTs can be added only if the consistency check shown in "View List ofMDS Tables" is 0 or 3. The processing is restricted to the selection in"MDS Tables".
    Delete Tables from Reprocess
    MTs are removed from the work lists of the Consistency Check and theReprocess scan. The entry in the Export Control Table is deleted also.The processing is restricted to the selection in "MDS Tables".
    Merge Reprocess Logs
    The Reprocess Logs of the OT and the corresponding MT are merged. Thatis new records existing in the Reprocess Log of the MT are added to theReprocess Log of the OT. Existing records in the OT are not touched. Theprocessing is restricted to the selection in "MDS Tables".