SAP Program UMG_LOAD_REPLOG - Up/Download SPUMG Reprocess Logs


The report can be used to store the language assignments of a ReprocessLog in files on a local PC or on an application server. The results canbe uploaded in other systems. During upload the language assignmentsstored in the files are matched against existing Reprocess Logs. Thelanguage assignments are taken over in the current Reprocess Logs onlyif the values for all key fields match.

On the selection screen you have the options:

  • Download: The language assignments of a Reprocess Log are saved
  • in a file. Each table gets its own filename. The filename is PATH +table name + '.LOG'. Some table names contain a '/' which isinterpreted as a directory by the upload and download functions.Therefore the character '/' is replaced by '-' in the table name. Tosave disk space, the files are compressed and saved in an SAP specialformat.
    • Upload: The language assignments are read from the files which
    • have previously been stored. A language in the current Reprocess Log isassigned only if all key fields of an entry have the same values as inthe file.
      Frontend/Application Server:
      • Frontend: The files are stored on your local front end PC.

      • Applications Server: The files are stored on the application
      • server. Please make sure you have write permission for the directory youwant to write the files to.
        • Path: For the download to an application server, enter the path
        • where you want to save the logs (e.g. "/tmp/"). Please specify thecomplete path with / or \ at the end. For the download to the frontend,a popup is used to select a directory on your local PC.
          • Tables: Enter table names to restrict the Up/Download to some
          • tables. If you leave the selection empty, all tables which have an entryin the worklist of the Reprocess are processed.
            • Package Size: (used for the download only) The package size
            • defines the number of records to be stored in one file. If the ReprocessLog of a table has more entries than specified here, several files withnumbered filenames are created. Decrease the package size if youencounter memory problems during the download the Reprocess Logs.