SAP Program UMG_CHECK_CLUSTER - Check table clusters for initial records

This report should only be used together with transaction SPUMG duringthe preparation of a system for the conversion to Unicode. During thestep 'Consistency Check' of SPUMG a check for initial records in tableclusters is performed. The results of this analysis are saved on thedatabase and can be reused using this report. The intial records containno data and have to be deleted from the table clusters. Before deletionthe records are saved in table UMGINFO as backup.
For more information about the transaction SPUMG, please look in the'Unicode Conversion Guide' which is available as attachment of note551344.

After starting the report you see the main screen which is divided intothree parts:
In the top left corner there are several icons which are used to performactions on table clusters
@42@ Refresh Tree: Clicking the refresh button will update the tree(restarting the report has the same effect).
@10@ Status: Displays some status information about a table cluster.Please select first a table cluster from the tree. Alternatively you cansimply double click on a table cluster of the tree to get the sameinformation.
@11@ Delete Initial records: If initial records were found you candelete them from the cluster using this button. Please select first acluster from the tree for which some initial records were found.
@0S@ Help: Display this screen.
The lower left corner of the screen consist of a tree which shows alltables clusters on the database. These table clusters should also bepart of the worklist of the 'Consistency Check'. Different colors areused to show the status of a table cluster:
Initial, no color: No check has been performed for this table cluster.
GREEN: A check has been executed for this table cluster. No initialrecords were found.
RED: A check has been executed for this table cluster during the'Consistency Check'. Some initial records have been found.
Double click on a table cluster to display the status information in theright part of the screen.
The right part of the screen is used to provide status information abouta table cluster.

1348055Initial cluster records during Unicode migration