SAP Program UMB_BSC_20B_30A - SEM-CPM: BSC Conversion Programm from 2.0B to 3.0A

Conversion of the Balanced Scorecard function (SEM-CPM-BSC) fromrelease 2.0B to release 3.0A.

After the upgrade, run the report program UMB_BSC_20B_30A .
This program makes necessary corrections in several tables. The changesare made for all clients. You should execute the report only once.


Assignment of perspectives to scorecards
In release 2.0B, all defined perspectives were used in a scorecard. Inrelease 3.0A, it is now possible to select specific perspectives andassign them to a scorecard. After the conversion, only thoseperspectives to which at least one objective was assigned are availablein a scorecard.
In addition, from release 3.0A, you can assign owners to perspectivesas well. In the conversion, the owner of the scorecard is defined asthe owner of the perspective for the period 0001/1900 to 012/9999.
Affected tables: umb_sc112 and umb_sc113.

Assessments and comments
In release 3.0A, you can determine in Customizing of a scorecard forall scorecard elements (including the scorecard itself) whetherassessments and comments may be added to a scorecard element or not. Inrelease 2.0B, this was restricted to objectives, measures andinitiatives. During the conversion, the indicator No assessmentsand comments is selected for the scorecard elements Perspective
and Strategy. You can change this indicator, if you wish, inCustomizing of a scorecard.
Affected tables: umb_sc100, umb_sc104 and umb_sc112

Graphic for measures
In release 3.0A, graphics use two axes. During the conversion, seriesare generally declared as a primary value axis. This setting can bechanged, if you wish, in Customizing of a scorecard.
Affected table: umb_mc103

Description text for objectives
In release 3.0A, objectives are described using the description textWTXT with a length of 45 characters. In release 2.0B, thecounterpart was MTXT with a length of 30 characters. During theconversion, the text from MTXT is copied to WTXT, ifWTXT does not contain any characters.
Affected table: umb_ob100.