SAP Program UKM_RVKRED77 - SD: Creates XI Messages for Liability Update in Credit Management

The report selects open sales values (the open credit values in SD) andcreates XI messages for the liability update in SAP CreditManagement. You can then check and evaluate the data in SAPCredit Management.

You need to use the report in the following cases:

  • Errors have occurred in the updating of these sales values, and ideally
  • the cause of the errors has been eliminated so that you can continueafterwards with correct values without errors.
    • The update group (T014-STAFO) was changed in a credit control
    • area.

      For the following reasons the report is not suited for frequent use:

      • To ensure an error-free run, it is necessary to completely block tables
      • VBAK, LIKP and VBRK. As a result, the run of thereport is not possible during the current operation.
        • Depending on the selection, a program run of UKM_RVKRED77 can last a few
        • hours, in extreme cases you may even experience a runtime of a few days.

          Make sure that the BAdI UKM_R3_ACTIVATE is implemented and activated andthat the flag E_ERP2005 is set.
          The report selects all sales orders which are not completed or whichhave any not compleded delivery. The open sales values of the salesorders and the succeeding documents are recalculated using the documentflow.
          In contrast to report UKM_RFDKLI20 this report does not updates thesales and distribution documents with regard to their credit data.

          You can also call the report for an individual customer in a creditcontrol area.

          If you have selected the field Test Run, the report is startedwithout data being transferred to SAP Credit Management. This isvery well suited to estimate the runtime of report, and thus todetermine suitable selections.

          If you have selected the field Output Details, a detailed list ofthe data and messages created appears for the transfer to SAP CreditManagement. Then the log appears containing the statistics andpossible transfer errors.

1635502Parallelization of UKM_RVKRED77 for background processing
1403287Wrong credit update with third party sales order
1370326IS-OIL Credit management/FSCM release to ECC EhP4
1402175Delivery value not updated in case of rush order (FSCM)