SAP Program UKM_RFDKLI20_AR - FSCM: FI Recreation of Credit Data after Organizational Changes

Report UKM_RFDKLI20_AR converts the FI documents followingorganizational changes. You need to start it if the determination ofthe credit control area is changed due to new settings in Customizing.The report must be started as the credit control area is defined for aposting from the company code, and any earlier postings now have to beassigned to the new credit control area if this assignment is changed.

The credit data is recreated in new credit management if

  • The existing credit data with credit exposure category 200 is deleted in
  • FSCM using transaction UKM_COMMITMENTS.
    • The current data is then recreated using report UKM_TRANSFER_ITEMS.
    • You must not use UKM_RFDKLI20_AR

      • If you are still using the old credit management, as the data is not
      • updated in table KNKK. If this is the case, use report RFDKLI20.

        The report reads the open items of all customers selected, defines thecurrent correct credit control area, and enters this in the document. Inaddition, the amount of the item is calculated in the (new) currency ofthe current correct credit control area, and similarly entered in thedocument. However, this amount is of no relevance to the new creditmanagement.
        As it is possible that you may have to make performance intensivedatabase changes, you should start the report in batch processing andnot call up in dialog mode. Further, the report should be started ifpossible when you are not making postings.

        You can also start the report for an individual customer in a creditcontrol area.