- The items of the third and fourth nodes from the top are used to
contruct a table-like structure. To do this, the first three items ofboth nodes need to have a fixed length (ITEM-ALIGNMENT =CL_GUI_LIST_TREE=>ALIGN_LEFT, ITEM-LENGTH = ...) These items require afixed-width font (ITEM-FONT = ITEM_FONT_FIXED).Selection
The items of a node can be individually selected. The entire node isselected by clicking on the folder or leaf symbol of a node.
You also can set up the selection behavior of the tree so that a clickalways selects the entire node (you initialize the ITEM_SELECTIONparameter of the constructor).
Any events that occur are displayed in the frame at the right dynpromargin. The following events can be triggered in the sample program:
node_dbl_clk (node doubleclick)
A node has been double-clicked. In the example, this is achieved bydouble-clicking the folder or leaf symbol. If ITEM_SELECTION is set toSPACE, this event is fired whenever any part of the node isdouble-clicked.
item_dbl_click (item doubleclick)
An item of the tree has been double-clicked. This event can occur onlyif ITEM_SELECTION equals 'X'.
expand_nc (expand no children)
A node can have the property in which a plus sign (+) is displayed atthe folder or leaf symbol even if no child nodes exist in the control(you set the field expander in TREEV_NODE). When a user clicks on thistype of node, this fires off the event EXPAND_NC. In the example, thenode "Program" has this property. The example program reacts by sendingtwo new nodes to the control.
A user has clicked an item that represents a pushbutton.
A user has clicked an item that represents a link.