SAP Program CRM_ADDR_SMS_CONVERT - Conversion Report for SMS-Enabled Telephone Numbers

As of SAP Basis Release 6.20 Support Package 24, SAP provides theopportunity to flag telephone numbers as SMS-enabled.
Previously, it was only possible to flag such telephone numbers bymaintaining them under the communication type 'Pager' as well. Thisseparate maintenance is no longer necessary with the new functionality,instead an identical, non-changeable copy will be created automaticallyas a reference for each SMS-enabled telephone number under thecommunication type 'pager', which will be continuously synchronized withthe telephone number.
It is, of course, desirable that those telephone numbers that were onlymaintained under the communication type 'Pager' are moved to thetelephone table. This can be achieved using the following report.

Before starting the report, the use 'SMS Service' must be assigned tothe pager service using transaction SA14.

The report searches in the table ADR13 of the pager numbers for allnumbers that have the service with the use 'SMS Service' as their pagerservice and that are not a reference to an SMS-enabled telephone number.All of these pager numbers are deleted, and then created as SMS-enabledtelephone numbers together with the relevant reference in the pagertable.

If you choose the menu option 'Perform Conversion' on the selectionscreen, the conversion that is described above is executed. If thecheckbox 'Test Run' is selected, then a test run takes place, whichresults in a complete log being issued, but no database changes beingmade.
If you choose the menu option 'Display Log', the logs of all previousreports are displayed.

Once the conversion itself is complete, the user is only informed thatthe conversion is finished. No log is issued.
However, you can view the log by starting the report with the option'Display Log'.