SAP Program CRM_ACT_CAT_ASS_CHECK - Check assignment of activity categories to process types

You can use this report to check whether the Customizing of defaultvalues for activities and tours is compatible with the customizing ofthe assignment of the activity categories to transaction types.
If an inconsistency is found, revise your Customizing entries:
Check the assignment of activity categories to transaction types underCustomizing for Customer Relationship Management (CRM), bychoosing Transactions -> Settings for Activities -> DefineCategories, Goals and Priorities -> Assign Categories to TransactionTypes.
Compare the assignment of activity categories with the default valuesspecified for activities and tours. For activities, see Customizing forCRM -> Transactions -> Basic Settings -> Define Transaction Types
. For tours, see Customizing for CRM -> Transactions -> Settingsfor Activities -> Define Default Values for Tours and ActivityScheduling.