SAP Program CRM_ACTIVITIES_XPRA_20C_DOC - XPRA for conversion from activities to business activities and tasks

XPRA for the conversion of transaction data of the abstract transactiontype Activity in business activities and tasks

Customizing data are converted using XPRACRM_ACTIVITIES_XPRA_20C_CUST, i.e. Customizing entries with transactiontype BUS2000110 must not exist any more.


,,2.1.,,CRMD_ORDERADM_H Business transaction

,,2.2. ,,SRRELROLES Object Relationship Service : Roles

,,2.3.,,CRMD_ORDER_INDEX Index table for OneOrder document

,,by means of the field TASK in the Customizing table CRMC_ACTIVITY_H

transaction type- activity-control parameter, thetransaction type BUS2000110 (activity) is converted in ,,transactiontypes BUS2000126 (business activity) or BUS2000125 (task).


Transaction number:

By means of the transaction number, you can restrict the documentswhich are converted. This enables a parallel processing of theconversion.

Check of document block:

If this parameter is active, each document is provided with ablock. If the document is already locked, conversion is not carried outand a log entry is generated. This check results in performance losses.


1. All locked documents are listed. For these documents, conversionmust be repeated.

2. If the Customizing data have not been converted, a note appears.