Incompatible configuration changes between SEM release 4.0 and 6.0 inPDCE application prevent the automatic migration of DataBasis during theupgrade..
This program migrates the data from the Data Basis used in release 4.0to a new Data Basis in release 6.0.

An upgrade of the SEM 4.0 system with old Data Basis (includingtransactional data) should be done.
A new Data Basis with the structure identical to that of the old oneshould be set up in the upgraded system.
Formulas should be migrated from the old Data Basis to the new one (viaXML file upload or manually).
Statuses must be set-up for the new DataBasis and 1 default status mustbe defined for each object type.

The program can be executed in 'Test' and 'Live' modes.

If 'Display protocol' is choosen by the user in either test or live run,the program displays the statistics on database tables converted andnumber of new records (to be) created.

Execute the program in 'Test' mode first and make sure that no errorsoccur during the execution.
If a table of a new Data Basis contains any data, the migration of datainto this table will not be performed.
Unless all tables in new Data Basis can be updated without erros, thedata base changes are not commited to the database even in 'Live' run.
Migrate the customising from old Data Basis into new one via reportUA_COPY_CUSTOMIZING in transaction 'ABAP Editor: Initial Screen' (SE38)before maintaining transactional data in the new Data Basis.